Aggiornare Firmware NIC Broadcom su Server DELL Poweredge 1950 e CentOS 5.x

Ultimamente mi è capitato già su due Server DELL Poweredge 1950 con CentOS 5.7 64Bit di non poter aggiornare il firmware della scheda di rete Broadcom BCM5708 perchè apparentemente l’utility della DELL non trovava nessuna scheda di rete!
Un’altro problema riscontrato era che dopo l’installazione di ‘DELL OpenManage Server Administration’ iniziavano ad apparire i seguenti errori sul pannello LCD del Server:
E1422 CPU1 Machine Check
E171F PCIE Fatal Error B4 D0 F0
L’errore che risultava durante il tentativo di aggiornamento del Firmware era il seguente:
[12:27:06] [~] >update_firmware --yes Running system inventory... Searching storage directory for available BIOS updates... Checking BIOS - 2.7.0 Available: dell_dup_componentid_00159 - 2.7.0 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking SAS/SATA Backplane 0:0 Backplane Firmware - 1.05 Available: dell_dup_componentid_11204 - 1.05 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking System BIOS for PowerEdge 1950 - 2.7.0 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking PERC 5/i Integrated Controller 0 Firmware - 5.2.2-0072 Available: pci_firmware(ven_0x1028_dev_0x0015_subven_0x1028_subdev_0x1f03) - 5.2.2-0072 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking ST973402SS Firmware - s206 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking BMC - 2.37 Available: dell_dup_componentid_05814 - 2.37 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking DRAC 5 Firmware - 1.51 Available: dell_dup_componentid_08735 - 1.60 Found Update: dell_dup_componentid_08735 - 1.60 Found firmware which needs to be updated. Running updates... - Installing pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16Installation failed for package: pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16 aborting update... The error message from the low-level command was: Could not parse output, bad xml for package: pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c)
Utilizzando il verbose output (update_firmware -v –yes) ho però notato il fatto che non trovasse alcuna scheda di rete (nonostante la rete funzionasse benissimo):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SVMExecution lang="en"> <SPStatus result="false" code="1"> <Message id="9"> Update failure. Could not acquire network adapter list. </Message> <SPStatus> <RebootRequired>0</RebootRequired> </SVMExecution>
Dopo svariati tentativi (grazie anche all’aiuto della Mailling List DELL per Linux) hotrovato la soluzione che vi illustro qui di seguito.
La procedura è semplicissima, l’OMSA (DELL OpenManage Server Administrator) manda in crisi la scheda di rete e quindi va semplicemente disabilitato durante questo aggiornamento, quindi:
[12:29:27] [~] >/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/ disable [12:29:28] [~] >reboot
Facendo ciò il Server verrà riavviato, ma all’avvio del Sistema Operativo l’OMSA non partirà. Una volta finite le operazioni di boot potrete quindi fare:
update_firmware --yes
ed avrete questo risultato:
[12:35:21] [~] >update_firmware --yes Running system inventory... Searching storage directory for available BIOS updates... Checking BIOS - 2.7.0 Available: dell_dup_componentid_00159 - 2.7.0 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking SAS/SATA Backplane 0:0 Backplane Firmware - 1.05 Available: dell_dup_componentid_11204 - 1.05 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking System BIOS for PowerEdge 1950 - 2.7.0 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking NetXtreme II BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet rev 12 (eth0) - 2.9.1 Available: pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16 Found Update: pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16 Checking PERC 5/i Integrated Controller 0 Firmware - 5.2.2-0072 Available: pci_firmware(ven_0x1028_dev_0x0015_subven_0x1028_subdev_0x1f03) - 5.2.2-0072 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking ST973402SS Firmware - s206 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking NetXtreme II BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet rev 12 (eth1) - 2.9.1 Available: pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16 Found Update: pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16 Checking BMC - 2.37 Available: dell_dup_componentid_05814 - 2.37 Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks. Checking DRAC 5 Firmware - 1.51 Available: dell_dup_componentid_08735 - 1.60 Found Update: dell_dup_componentid_08735 - 1.60 Found firmware which needs to be updated. Running updates... 100% Installing pci_firmware(ven_0x14e4_dev_0x164c) - 6.2.16 Done: Update success. You must perform a reboot for the update to take effect.
A questo punto basta riattivare l’OMSA e riavvare il Server:
[12:52:47] [~] >/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/ enable [12:52:48] [~] >reboot
Al riavvio l’OMSA verrà avviato insieme al Sistema Operativo e tutti gli errori sul pannello LCD spariranno automaticamente.
Se volete, per avere una cosa più pulita, quando il Server è ripatito potete accedere all’OMSA da web all’indirizzo http://SERVERIP:1311 e cancellare i LOG di errore,
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